AIM eLearning for 16-19 Study Programmes, Tutorials & Enrichment

AIM eLearning and Capital Tutorials are offering an unprecedented opportunity for 2023/24. Learners achieve a qualification in the first 42 days and have access to an extensive library of eLearning modules for the remainder of the year for tutorials/enrichment and ‘stretch and challenge’. 

A qualification within the first 42 days. 

Give learners a confidence boost by enabling them to achieve a qualification, gain valuable skills for life and improve retention and achievement rates. 

Tailor AIM Personal & Social Development Skills qualifications to suit each learner. 

First, choose your qualification length:

AIM L1 Personal & Social Development Skills Credits GLH TQT Ofqual No.
Award 6 54 60 603/1517/9
Extended Award 9 78 87 603/1518/0
Certificate 15 130 146 603/1519/2
Extended Certificate 26 233 268 603/1520/9

Next, choose RQF components, as shown in the table, until you reach the credits required.

Subject Ofqual No. Level Credits
Personal Finances J/616/4864 L1 3
Internet Safety for IT Users T/616/1278 L1 3
Healthy Living T/616/5055 L1 3
Drug Awareness T/616/5993 L1 3
Alcohol Awareness A/616/4361 L1 3
Diversity in Society Y/616/4433 L1 3
Building Confidence & Self-esteem A/616/0360 L1 3
Interpersonal Skills M/616/4793 L1 3
Environmental Sustainability Y/616/5050 L1 2

Reward students who want to learn more. 

At no additional cost, if a learner achieves more credits, their qualification can be upgraded. 

100 modules for tutorials & enrichment with measurable outcomes. 

Learners registered on qualifications have access to all modules within the extensive eLearning library including:

HR savings.

AIM eLearning reduces time and resources spent on administration and QA to a minimum.

No teaching & no tutor preparation.

This is an ‘off-the-shelf’ solution, and no teaching or content preparation is required. eLearning ensures that learners cover all content and meet all standards of the qualification.

No marking.

All formative/mock summative assessments are ‘auto-marked’.

Quality assurance.

Quality assurance measures merely require the learner to sit an invigilated multiple-choice question assessment accessed via AIM XAMS platform, scheduled at least 48 hours in advance.

No portfolio.

No portfolio of evidence is required, and thus minimal demands are made on EQA and IQA officers.

Content & mock tests.

All content and multi-choice questions are written by subject experts. Courses include optional ‘Research’ modules for ‘stretch and challenge’.

Mock tests may be accessed multiple times with learners receiving a unique test each time.

Evidential learning.

All learner activity–accredited or non-accredited–is recorded and can be exported as reports for management and OFSTED.

Pricing and funding. 

This opportunity applies to AIM L1 Personal & Social Development Skills Suite in 2023/24 for 16-19 cross-college delivery.

Discounts are available for colleges registering the majority of a 16-19 cohort. To register your interest and receive a quotation with no obligation, please submit the form below.

Maximisation of ESFA/AEB Budgets & GLH

All AIM eLearning courses are funded by ESFA/AEB for 19+ learners, enabling colleges to draw down additional funding. The agreed discounted price for the AIM L1 Personal & Social Development Skills portfolio would remain in force for all learners throughout Academic Year 2023/24. Find out more here.